NEW! Tortuga 215 Reserva by Victor Vitale GO NOW!
The Tortuga 215 Edicion Limitada 2011 cigar, commonly referred to Tortuga 215 cigars are "a true gift to experienced cigar aficionados seeking a collection of pearls to relish." Or in plain English, the Tortuga 215 cigar is THE up-and-coming cigar, of 2012 & 2013. We don't throw praise around so lightly, but remember when it was "What is a Liga Privada" and then overnight they were the hottest cigars this side of the sun?.. Exactly.
As for this highly rated cigar (by StogieLife, CigarDojo, Cigar-Coop, and CigarDeficionado), it is a full-bodied and well balanced cigar. It features subtle hints of anise, black cherry oak, blackberry, and dark chocolate. Available by the Box, Sampler or Single, grab a box today and become instantly hooked.
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