3x3 and 4x4 cigars, also known as Davidoff 3x3 & 4x4 cigars, are hand made in the Dominican Republic. Both the 3x3 & 4x4 bundles use a Colorado Claro Connecticut wrapper with a Dominican filler and binder. Although they are inexpensive cigars, do not be fooled. These cigars are made by Henke Kelner (Hendrik Kelner), the distributor of the world famous Davidoff Cigars. The 3x3 cigars have a medium body, come in bundles of 9 and feature an awesome chocolatey, complex taste. The 4x4 cigars also have a medium body, but are much milder than the 3x3 cigars. The 4x4 cigars feature a mild, inviting cigar aroma and come in bundles of 16. The only thing "cheap" about this cigar is the price, you can never go wrong with a cigar made by Davidoff.
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